Greetings. Today I had a great feeling of accomplishment. Nothing major happened, but last night I made a list of a shitload of things I had to get done today, since I was home during the day before going to class at night. I got all of them done, well, I was supposed to read 4 articles for class tonight. That didn't exactly happen. I skimmed 3 of them very briefly, and one was 20 pages, so I didn't have time to read it, but everything else was completed. I started by getting the registration and license plates for my new car from the dealer. On the way home, I registered my car at Monkey State so I can park there without paying the parking garage. I then proceeded to deposit my two checks from work into the bank and mailed my first car payment. When I got home, I registered for a new ez pass tag, filed my state and federal taxes, filed my renewal fafsa, and finished my paper which was due tonite. I was satisfied. It's been a while since I felt like I accomplished a lot. Anyway, that feeling will subside tomorrow when I realize I have to do a 3 page paper for next Tuesday, along with 4 more readings, read a chapter for my Monday class, and begin my research project for my Monday class as well. But I'll sleep well tonight.
My brother's birthday is next week, and as usual, I have no idea what to get him. There's only so many times I can get him an Eagles or Sixers jersey. I guess I can get him a Mike Cameron jersey.(that was sarcasm, since he's a Mets fan, and that's their big free-agent signing I guess).
I'm now going to rant a bit...I apologize in advance if you enjoy coffee, but it's something that bothers me to an extent...Why is it that coffee is acceptable to drink in the workplace? In my case, it's severe, and my manager(s) are never seen without a coffee in hand. I don't like the smell or taste of it, and I really am not a fan of folks who always smell like it, either. In addition, I really get peeved at the people who are shocked and put me down when I say I don't like coffee. You don't like coffee? Oh my! Isn't it a case of a mood-altering drug? I know caffeine is not a controlled substance, but it is obviously addictive. People use it as a staple in their diets in order to keep things going during the day. I guess my gripe really lies in the reason that this drink was selected to be the drink that's allowable in the workplace. I don't know, I guess one day I want to go to my awful job and see a big ass jug of Hawaiian Punch sitting in the break room with two workers eating cookies and sipping their cups of the red juice while giving a hateful glare in the direction of the lowly employee with brown teeth brewing a pot of taster's choice.