Thursday, June 26, 2003

It's officially a heatwave up in here. I welcomed the heatwave by getting a really bad haircut. I look like a Marine now, and I'm not happy. I guess the Spanish lady at Supercuts didn't understand when I said "not too short on top please!" I have an interview Tuesday, so I hope it grows in a bit. Although it is only 5 days away.

Since it was unbearable outside, I spent time making some changes/additions to my website. I added some new pictures and also some new quotes. Let me know if you like it or not.

Jogging again tomorrow. Bright and early at 6:30 am. Then it's off to the shore on Saturday. Woo!

Tuesday, June 24, 2003

Vacation has officially started, and it is definitely summer. It was somewhere in the mid 90s the last 2 days, and it is supposed to hit 95 tomorrow again. Since I'm unemployed and not doing much else this summer, I've decided to take up jogging again, this time with the help of my lovely girlfriend. Tomorrow the trek begins at 6:30 am. We'll see how it goes. We'll start at 3x a week, but maybe it will progress into more. It's good I guess. It keeps your heart healthy, and burns away some of that weight you want to get rid of or whatever. So I will be going to bed shortly in order to get enough rest for my early rise tomorrow. I also plan on selling back some old cds to my friend CD World, and hopefully get enough credit to buy some new cds. Here's what my list's possibilities include: the new Cursive, Texas is the Reason, Miracle of 86, Nada Surf, OK Go, Mock Orange, White Stripes, and old Sugar Ray. I'm a sucker for those groovin' sounds of Sugar Ray, so sue me. (except their new cd is mung). Other than that, I'll probably do some Bowflex tomorrow sometime, and the rest of the week consists of getting a haircut, cleaning my room, playing some basketball, and making a mix tape. Yeah, that's right, a mix tape. I don't have a cd burner like all of you technologically advanced folks. It also sucks because if I make a mix tape, I don't have a tape player in my car. Oh the headache!

In other news, my car is doing it's thing again. The check engine light is randomly coming on and then disappearing again, and my thermostat gets really high, but doesn't go into the red area, and thus does not overheat, but it seems too high to me. The last 2 times I've brought it to the mechanic, they've said, "I don't see anything wrong with it." Now if I had a light that said something like "check heartbeat," I don't think my doctor would be like "well, I looked but I don't see anything wrong. Those guys should examine my car if they're going to have it all day and find something! Make it up at least. I won't know. Anyway, let's see if I feel like taking it in again tomorrow.

Thursday, June 19, 2003

School's out! Well, I still have to go back tomorrow to finish a few things, but no more students or teaching. I still don't have a job for September yet and that sucks. So I guess my summer will technically start Saturday. Next weekend I'm going down the shore. I can't wait. I'm so tired of here. Even if it rains, which I'm sure it will, at least it's not here.

I'm going to karaoke night tonite. Should be interesting. I probably won't be able to drink much because a) I have to drive, and b)I don't want to add to my already tired-ness. But it will be nice to "unwind" nonetheless.

So much has happened since my last post. I saw No Motiv finally last Weds nite. They were good, but they didn't headline, so they only played for like 40 minutes. Then we left before the crappy Rx Bandits started their set. This show compelled me to finally purchase one of NM's original 2 CDs, and it's a good cd. It's a lot more edgy than their last 2 cds.

Let's see what else...I went on an interview in the school I was working for a first grade opening, which did not go well because I have no idea how to teach first grade. On the upside, however, there may now be a 4th grade opening, so I do have a slim chance at staying at the school, but most likely not.

I guess not much else really has happened. I changed a little bit of my site, but not a whole lot. I guess I have to find some more pictures and fun stuff to put there soon. Is anyone else tired of hearing about Ashton Kutcher? I don't care if he's screwing 40 year old Demi Moore, who's infested with venereal disease. I just don't find her attractive. Maybe it's because I fear she would try to gnaw on me with her rather large jaws.

About a month until vacation. Now that's what I'm dreaming of day in and day out.

Sunday, June 08, 2003

It's one week later and things still aren't right...I just want to go away.

Sunday, June 01, 2003

Welcome, June! It's still raining though.

It's a new month, but something in my life still does not feel right. And I don't know what the outcome is going to be. Just when you think you have things figured out, it occurs to you that your problem is not solved, and you don't really know what to do about it, except maybe put an end to it and try something new.