Tuesday, January 03, 2006

I hope that's not King Louis IX's cake!

I don't know what prompted me to do such a thing, but I found a list of famous people who share my birthday, which isn't today by the way. I have listed the talents that they have, that due to birthday osmosis, I now possess.
  • Tim Duncan-ability to win an NBA championship and grow a semi-fro
  • Jacque Jones-ability to swing a mediocre bat, play solid defense, and earn several million dollars
  • Hank Azaria-can now imitate the venerable Apu
  • a dude from ABBA
  • Al Pacino-ability to get confused with DeNiro
  • Ella Fitzgerald-ability to sing some swingin' jazz tunes
  • Guglielmo Marconi-invent a fancy new type of radio that works by satellite, whoops
  • Tchaikovsky-can now write some scary classical music that millions of incoming freshmen will be forced to listen to in their Intro to Music course
  • Oliver Cromwell-force my odd religion onto others, and perhaps have it mutate and become a culture similar to that of the Amish
  • King Louis IX-be a fat guy who wears a crown and executes wives. Actually I don't know if that's the right king, but frankly, they're all sterotyped, so I don't know if many people will even notice.