So I've taken a slight vacation from my blog, but it's for good reason. Much work and planning. Much pain. Not much free time. The job is coming along nicely. It's difficult taking over a class 7 months after it has started, but I'm slowly making progress. The students are starting to show more respect for my authoritay, and I'm just happy because I didn't have to do much today when I got home, probably because I was working straight through last night until 9:30. It feels nice to not do stuff on a computer that's work-related...My birthday is tomorrow, and my wish is not coming true. It's supposed to rain at night, and on Saturday, and be in the 40s. Happy f*!@ing spring! Along with this, there was supposed to be a GHT game on Saturday, which may get cancelled for rain again. I'll probably be content for the next two months because I'm working and earning a paycheck, unfortunately, I will join the millions of unemployed come June 20. Bye.
my life passes by...
Thursday, April 24, 2003
Thursday, April 17, 2003
I now know that I am employed because I have all of the symptoms: dizziness, vomiting, migraines, insomnia. Wait, I think I just described the symptoms of ebola. No, in all seriousness, I am really happy to have some sort of steady job, even though it is only for 2 months. It feels nice. The people are all nice, and the students seem really fun. I'm actually proud of myself for the first time in a while. My first 3 days are over, with an extended weekend coming up. The true test will be to see if I survive a full week. Ask me on my birthday. (nudge, nudge, wink) So far this season, the Jays are 1-6 against the yankees. Not the kind of good start they needed. Mark it down now-season over. No playoffs. I got the new Pete Yorn cd yesterday. For some reason, I like his music, and if you liked his first cd, you'll probably like this one too. Same formula-songwriter who plays guitar with mostly good songs, and 1 or 2 that aren't very good.
Monday, April 14, 2003
I officially found out today that I have a job! I start tomorrow, and I cannot wait. It's only for 2 months, but it's a good start. I'm still hoping I can find a nice place to start in September as well. Who knows, maybe I can stick around in this district if something else opens up anytime soon. My resumes have been mailed to 82 different districts. Are there any other towns in New Jersey?
The weekend is over, and it is really nice out today. I'll probably play some basketball in my yard. I got my hoop about 8 years ago, with my first paycheck from the deli. It's a nice hoop-one that can adjust the height, and it has wheels if you want to move it. The only problem with my yard is that it is on the grass because I have no driveway, and there are tree roots everywhere. It's kind of like extreme basketball because it's like dribbling through an obstacle course, but shooting is still fun. You'd think with all the stuff in my yard, I would be a good ball-handler because it would make me more aware and consistent, but that's not true. I have the body of a point guard with hands of steel. Oh well, I'm not going to the NBA or anything, so I don't care.
I've needed gas in my car since Friday morning, but I still haven't gotten any. I find it very annoying getting gas. I don't know what it is. Maybe it's because it costs $1.69/gallon. Whatever, I just walked a lot more lately.
Friday, April 11, 2003
Normally, I would be complaining about this rain, but I've decided against this and embraced the rain. I would much rather have rain in April than snow. I had to go fill out some paperwork for my job possibility today, and it was no fun driving on 280 with trucks flying along side you and splattering more water on your windshield, when visibility is poor already. Alas, I am home for now, until I have to go pick up my very awesome girlfriend from school and bring her to work. It's the weekend, and I am happy, because it is supposed to be in the 60s on Sunday, and warmer to start next week. I watched the movie Traffic last night, but I wasn't too impressed by it. It seemed very un-original and too long. Benecio del Toro's part would have been much better in my eyes if I understood Spanish better, so I wouldn't have to read what he was saying. Call me crazy, but every Michael Douglas movie I see has the same plot...or he just plays the same character over and over.
Thursday, April 10, 2003
I'm home again today. It's for a sad note-there's a memorial service for my grandfather today...I also found out I will not be working tomorrow either. My honey's car is having problems, so the weezer mobile gets a call from the bullpen. That's my car in case you haven't figured it out. I will be escorting her to the mechanic, school, and then to work. So I'll be on call. It will make me feel special, like a doctor or something. So this puts my days working in April to 2, and that's with 2 different jobs! I'm slyly smiling, however, because I absolutely despise one of these jobs. Still haven't heard from my possible replacement job...
Jays are in 2nd place! Woo-hoo! Tanyon Sturtze is 2-0. He only needs 2 more wins to match last year's totals, and 18 more losses too! I subscribed to SI in order to receive my Cuse package. I do like the magazine, but I guess I never got it because I thought they devoted too much space to golf and nascar. If I lived in South Carolina, I'd probably not mind as much, but we don't have many race tracks around these here parts.
Wednesday, April 09, 2003
Hey. I'm still happy. Orange you? dar-har-har! I've been somewhat lucky with my sports teams winning championships, or at least being there. The Rangers won a cup in 94, the Jays won back-to-back World Series in 92 & 93, the Bengals were in the SuperBowl in 89, and the Sixers were in the NBA Finals only 2 years ago, and the Orange made it to the championship game in 96. I've realized that I feel much more happiness for college kids winning. It's much more special to them, because they're not getting millions of dollars(yet), and this team that won wasn't a bunch of cocky jocks. They are all good kids and team players. So here's to the Cuse...
In addition, the Jays recently swept the Twins and beat the Sox last nite. Good comeback after starting the season 0-3. The Sixers are still in the running for first in the east as well.
I still haven't heard from my job possibility. I really hope this doesn't fold. I don't think I can take rejection...I also think I am sick of this cold weather. It's now April 9th and in the forties, with snow still on the ground...The GHT Game of the Week for Saturday has already been cancelled because of expected rain Friday night, and the cold weather all week, which will not allow the fields to dry out...
I started out my morning by turning on the TV at 10:30. ( I didn't get a call to sub again) I turned on CBS news and was drawn in to the coverage of the war. I saw US Marines tearing down a statue of the madman with Iraqi people stomping on its remains and dragging the head down the streets. Reporter Byron Pitts was with Marines fighting street battles in Baghdad and his report was outstanding. He was giving us coverage as the fighting was taking place, and it was even better than a Hollywood war movie.
Tuesday, April 08, 2003
Woo! The Orange are the NCAA champs! A happy moment for all that are devoted to the cuse. I'm happy for Jim Boeheim and the team. I also respect Roy Williams, and hope he's the next to win a title. By the way, he had the best comment of the night. After the game, Bonnie Bernstein asked him about taking the North Carolina job, and he said "...I don't give a shit about North Carolina right now..." on live TV. That's priceless. She got what she deserved. Damn media. Will write more tomorrow. It's late.
Friday, April 04, 2003
Well, there's good news for me. The principal has recommended me for the job, but I still have to wait on the superintendent and board of ed to approve me. If all goes well, I start on April 15 and end on June 20 or so, their last day of school. The job fair yesterday was a joke. Advertised online were 9 schools, with all needing elementary teachers for september. I get there and pay my $7 and they give me this packet. The packet lists the schools that are there and the jobs they will be offering. All 9 schools are listed as advertised. OK. Then as I read through the jobs, only one of these schools is looking for elementary teachers, and one of the schools listed actually is not there because they apparently do not have any open positions. Strange, considering they were one of the 2 schools sponsoring the job fair.
Anyway, I proceded to the one listed school and the guy who talked to me seemed very uninterested in being there, and avoided eye contact with everyone he talked to. Joke #1. I was tempted to leave, but I drove 40 minutes and paid money for this thing, so I decided to go to some other schools just to give them my resume and stuff. At the second line I waited for, the guy said wow you had a far drive(looking at my resume), and I said, "no it wasn't too bad, about a half hour or so." He then gives me an application and says "have this filled out so when we start interviews, you'll have it ready." Joke #2. I then went over to my third attempt. This place seemed great. The principal I talked to was excellent. He was friendly and informed me that while there were not any postings for elementary teachers, there were indeed other elementary schools in the district that were looking. He and the other principal were focusing on art and librarians, but he said the other elementary schools need teachers, and he would pass my resume to them. Thank you sir for being a genuine human being. It didn't seem like there were many there. After that, I went to my fourth and final line. It was for this place. Again, the gentleman that talked with me was pleasant and encouraging, telling me that I would be likely to have an interview at least in the near future in his district. He told me I was at an advantage because they need male teachers. So these two folks gave me at least a bit of hope from the experience, despite the rest of it being rather crappy.
So I'm still searching for a job for September, but I'm told it's still early for most districts to interview for next year. I'm also looking for summer employment, because I refuse to work in a camp, and will never go back to retail. EVER! It's the weekend, but of course it's raining.
Wednesday, April 02, 2003
The lesson went well today. I'm supposed to find out by tomorrow afternoon already whether I've got the job or not. Unfortunately, I won't be home tomorrow because I'm going to a job fair. Hmm...I've got crazy links listed over there, so use them if you'd like. Some are fun, and some are sites you probably won't even like, but you never know until you try. So far, the Jays have been outscored 18-5 in two games. I think that pitching is not their strong point. Maybe I shouldn't watch the game tonight, because I've watched the other 2 unfortunately. Yesterday afternoon at about 2:30, it began snowing in a way that I thought we were going to have another blizzard, but it stopped. Today, it's about sixty out, and tomorrow and Friday may reach 70. Huh? The GHT baseball season starts on Saturday, and it will be welcomed with 50 degrees and hurricane conditions. Lots of wind and rain. Hey, what's baseball season at GHT without this weather? I think I may be adventurous and do something to my web page, like add a new section or give it another facelift. Maybe.
Tuesday, April 01, 2003
Happy April Fools Day Fool! It was officially spring about 10 days or so, but to me, spring officially started yesterday, because it was opening day for baseball. Unfortunately, my Blue Jays came up short against the much-hated yankees. The season is young. Six more months of this. Is that good or bad? Tomorrow is follow-up interview time, and the teacher who is supposed to help me out isn't very good with her communication skills. I've called her 3 times, and the second time she called me back. I'm still waiting for her to return my other calls...I'm going to watch the game now.