So I've taken a slight vacation from my blog, but it's for good reason. Much work and planning. Much pain. Not much free time. The job is coming along nicely. It's difficult taking over a class 7 months after it has started, but I'm slowly making progress. The students are starting to show more respect for my authoritay, and I'm just happy because I didn't have to do much today when I got home, probably because I was working straight through last night until 9:30. It feels nice to not do stuff on a computer that's work-related...My birthday is tomorrow, and my wish is not coming true. It's supposed to rain at night, and on Saturday, and be in the 40s. Happy f*!@ing spring! Along with this, there was supposed to be a GHT game on Saturday, which may get cancelled for rain again. I'll probably be content for the next two months because I'm working and earning a paycheck, unfortunately, I will join the millions of unemployed come June 20. Bye.
my life passes by...
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