Well, there's good news for me. The principal has recommended me for the job, but I still have to wait on the superintendent and board of ed to approve me. If all goes well, I start on April 15 and end on June 20 or so, their last day of school. The job fair yesterday was a joke. Advertised online were 9 schools, with all needing elementary teachers for september. I get there and pay my $7 and they give me this packet. The packet lists the schools that are there and the jobs they will be offering. All 9 schools are listed as advertised. OK. Then as I read through the jobs, only one of these schools is looking for elementary teachers, and one of the schools listed actually is not there because they apparently do not have any open positions. Strange, considering they were one of the 2 schools sponsoring the job fair.
Anyway, I proceded to the one listed school and the guy who talked to me seemed very uninterested in being there, and avoided eye contact with everyone he talked to. Joke #1. I was tempted to leave, but I drove 40 minutes and paid money for this thing, so I decided to go to some other schools just to give them my resume and stuff. At the second line I waited for, the guy said wow you had a far drive(looking at my resume), and I said, "no it wasn't too bad, about a half hour or so." He then gives me an application and says "have this filled out so when we start interviews, you'll have it ready." Joke #2. I then went over to my third attempt. This place seemed great. The principal I talked to was excellent. He was friendly and informed me that while there were not any postings for elementary teachers, there were indeed other elementary schools in the district that were looking. He and the other principal were focusing on art and librarians, but he said the other elementary schools need teachers, and he would pass my resume to them. Thank you sir for being a genuine human being. It didn't seem like there were many there. After that, I went to my fourth and final line. It was for this place. Again, the gentleman that talked with me was pleasant and encouraging, telling me that I would be likely to have an interview at least in the near future in his district. He told me I was at an advantage because they need male teachers. So these two folks gave me at least a bit of hope from the experience, despite the rest of it being rather crappy.
So I'm still searching for a job for September, but I'm told it's still early for most districts to interview for next year. I'm also looking for summer employment, because I refuse to work in a camp, and will never go back to retail. EVER! It's the weekend, but of course it's raining.
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