Best Sandwich I Ever Had
It was a sunny, beautiful August day. The slight breeze outperformed the warm sun on this day. It was over an hour before noon, but the light sensation in the pit of my stomach told me otherwise. Being a male, I litened to my stomach. I had trek across a major highway in order to reach the destination. Cars whiz by at 60+ mph. Industrial trucks plow down the asphalt. Like Frogger, I was to dodge these 2 ton bullets with chrome armor. I weaved in and out of the obstacles like Ickey Woods and reached the other side of the highway to complete the Ickey shuffle. After shaking my ass and spiking the football, I lunged into the entrance of the deli, cutting off an elderly person and plowing into a fat dwarf. (Actually, there was no one there, but it sounds better with colorful characters) I approached the counter, which was glowing like the neons in Vegas. The man jots my request on a sticky note and hands it to the employee. Moments later, it was back to dodging vehicles and into my abode. The pasty-colored wrapper was shredded and the reward smiled at me with all it's might. Crunchy hero roll wrapped around crispy bacon, slightly-charred ham, and a flavorful sausage patty, with perfectly cooked eggs, warmly seasoned potato wedges, salt, pepper, ketchup, and melted cheese flowing around the mouth of the friendly sub. It told me its name was The BellyBuster. I smiled and ate the delight and smiled back at it, knowing it would be proud of my joy. And that was the story of the best sandwich I ever had. It was today, and my only complaint is that it actually did not in fact "bust my belly." Good stuff. If you ever visit and can eat sandwiches, you should indeed partake.