Hell yes. June is almost upon us. That means this god-awful school year is almost done. Haven't blogged in a month. I sort of miss it, but haven't had a second to really do so. Well, I guess that's exaggerating a bit. Tomorrow is our class field trip. Not looking forward to it, but hopefully it'll be ok. I should have a ton to write, but no one wants to read my bitching for several hours, so I'll keep it to myself.
On the positive side, July 14-20=vacation to Toronto & Niagara Falls. I was offered a contract back in Howell for September, and I will be moving over the summer, because of said job. I'm excited but not about spending money on furniture and stuff.
I recently bought the new Weezer and Ben Folds CDs, and surprisingly like both of them quite a bit so far. Hooray for new cds! Anyway, when school is winding down, I'll probably be blogging more regularly. Peace out.