My watch broke and I'm really ticked
There has been a hell of a lot going on lately. First, and least importantly, my smiley face watch is dying, and my fossil already broke. My brother and sis got me the fossil when they went on a cruise 2 years ago, and it stopped working a while ago. I took it to one place who could not even get the back off to replace the battery. I took it to a place down the street and they were able to get a new battery in, but they told me the watch is shot. It stinks because the watch was really nice. I have had a Joe Boxer smiley face watch for about 10 years now, so I have been wearing that one lately, but now the battery is dying, and everyone has trouble getting the back off that watch too, so I may be investing in a new watch.
Today was a snow day. The weather was calling for a massive nor'easter, and I was hoping for a snow day, but it really isn't that bad. We got maybe 5 inches or so. It sucks getting a call at 4:30 in the morning, even if it is good news. I already shoveled my car out, but some of the snow was heavy.
Now the big news. I finally found a teaching job. I will be working here starting March 17. It's an hour away from my current home, but my awesome brother and sister-in-law will be kind enough to let me stay in their house in Point Pleasant for a few months. The drive from there is 20 minutes only if I hit every red light, so that is quite convenient. I'm taking over for a 4th grade teacher, who is getting promoted out of the town. If I do well enough, my contract should get renewed in September, so I would be on tenure track. If I continue to do well enough for 3 years, I will get tenure and have a pretty much secure job. I'm absolutely excited. They're setting me up with a mentor when I start, too, which is a good sign. I'm going to bust my ass to do a great job, but if I'm confident about anything I do, it's teaching.
There are a few things I have to get done before I start, however. I have to get fingerprinted tomorrow. I was supposed to go yesterday, but the snow cancelled that. I also have to get a physical Thursday, which I was supposed to get last Thursday, but that was cancelled due to snow. So no more snow, please, so I can get these 2 things done. Finally, I have to sort of move. I'm not bringing everything with me obviously, but I do have to bring most of my clothes and cleanliness-related goods.
If all goes well and I know early enough about September, I will look to get my own place down there, but I'm not going to look until I know for sure. So that's the big news Kim was talking about. It's going to be strange, but worth it for the future. I have to make some sacrifices now, but I know the future is going to be awesome. It's going to be worth it!