My lingering effects of the flu are a cough and stuffy sinuses. It's amazing how long it lasts, even after taking medications. Anyway, my first full week back in school had me subbing in K again, and without any lesson plans again. It's fun trying to improvise in a room full of 5 year old children. I'm sort of hoping I only have a few weeks left in the school. I have an interview with Mr. Thurston Howell III again. It's this Wednesday, but I'm not getting my hopes up since I still haven't had luck on interviews, but if by some chance I get offered the job, I'm definitely taking it. There are some obstacles involved, since it is an hour away from my house, but the job is in a 4th grade from March until the end of the school year, and they are offering a pro-rated contract. I would receive benefits and a salary base of some sort instead of paying $300 a month for COBRA and not getting paid at all if I miss a day. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that all goes well. Please let me luck out this once.
It was confirmed to me the other day exactly how much of a mistake going to grad school was for one semester. Not only did it discourage me from going back for a while, but the stupid student loan is royally screwing me. When I pay off my credit card, I realize I still have that to pay back every month, so it's like I'll never be out of debt with that and my car payments. Oh well, I guess that's what ebay is for. Anyone interested in buying my comic book collection from 15 years ago?
Ok, it's the weekend, and I'm going to enjoy it because next week is a short week. Thanks, President's Weekend!
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