Wednesday, November 24, 2004

"those Native Americans grew the shit out of that corn"

I was waiting for someone to blog. I was really tired of seeing my mile-long blog every day. Hooray for eating our faces off! I researched online and found a former football player in the NFL has two daughters in my school, and I've subbed in the classes of both of them. I had a feeling a few weeks ago because I saw the names of the parents, and the name was eerily familiar. So that's pretty interesting. I think the best part about it is that nobody has ever said a word about it in the school. Hopefully they don't even know and it will stay that way for their sake.

In other news, I have an interview next week in this place for a fifth grade maternity leave position. I'm really hoping it goes well, and I have a fair chance of getting it. If I don't I, have the opportunity to teach at Sylvan Learning Center two nights per week. I had to sub in art today, plus it was a half day, so classes were 20 minutes long. So my class consisted of:
"sit down"
explaining directions
"time to clean up"
pretty stupid to squeeze in the same number of classes from a full day into a half day if you ask me. But everyone says the teacher needs the prep period. No you don't. What's to prep? There are 4 days off. By the time they brought the class down, they only had maybe 15 minutes to rest anyway.

Enjoy the poultry.


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