Thursday, November 04, 2004

Teacher's Convention Is Such A Sham!

So I'm off the next two days due to the "Teacher's Convention." It's really just a sly way of getting a 4-day weekend, but I'm not complaining. I took my car for maintanence this morning and to fix a recall on a faulty warning light. After that, I went to visit my former place of employment to see two former people I enjoyed working with. I came home and have nothing else to do the next 2 days except get over my sinus infection. I had already blogged today, but my computer froze for the third time while finishing my typing. 3 times!

I subbed in a 6th grade class yesterday, and I was such a jerk. I was being sarcastic and snagging shit from their hands and throwing it out. I had to be, otherwise they think they can do whatever they want. For some reason, the 6th grades have this thing called blockwork. It's essentially a block of time, up to an hour, in which they line up busy work and worksheets for the students to do. As a substitute, I see the kids know it's busy work, and they don't want to do it. In my opinion, it's like the teacher is saying, "I give up on teaching for this hour." Needless to say, I was bored out of my mind during the blockwork, that I was reading the desk calender on the teacher's desk. The only thing I see in this time is getting them acquainted with homeroom in the middle school, but I never remember it being an hour.

To quote my brother, "How did a record amount of new voters come out and vote to keep the same guy in office?" I don't know, but my complaining will not help the issue. I'm proud to say that I was one of roughly 106,000 citizens who voted green! They now have an all-time high in registered members of the party. I guess I still have something to believe in.

Another quick thing...I just got my issue of Sports Illustrated and they have this little blurb each week entitled This Week's Sign of the Apocalypse.
"A deep-sea diver ended an attempt at a world-record descent when he discovered the skeleton of a
That's priceless.


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