Saturday, November 27, 2004

Going down to South Park, Going to meet some friends of mine...

Last night was fun because I got the chance to see some friends in Matt, Dennis, Allison, and Rebekah. I really hadn't seen them in a while, so it was nice to catch up, and I'll get to see them again next month, which is nice. I met them at the above mentioned bar which I never knew existed. Had a few drinks and found out what's going on in everyone's lives to a limited extent. I also found out there are 2 people living in Bloomfield again who I graduated with and don't hate! Allison and Rebekah are living back home again, so at least there are two normal people my age who live here. Everyone seems to be doing well and they all have been through a lot of interesting experiences, which means I have to catch up and start doing some wild and crazy living...or just make up some stories.

Thanksgiving was also nice. Spent it at my brother & sis-in-law's house. Rachel's parents and brother came, as did my parents, and of course, the lovely Kim went with me the night before. It was nice. We don't really have a large family, so it was a cozy amount of people there and the food was glorious. And what family sits together after dinner to watch an episode of Family Guy on DVD? How cool is that?

The best part about this weekend is that it's only Saturday morning, so there's at least one more full day to this weekend that can include fun, whereas tomorrow I'm sure to whine about going back to work on Monday.


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