Friday, June 11, 2004

I've been in dormant blog mode this week for some reason. I guess there hasn't been much to talk about besides work, and Kim blogged about the one event of the week, which was Braid. It's Friday, and I'm home from work, although tired. Got to shower in a minute and try to re-wake myself up after sleepwalking thru work since 5:30 am. I feel like doing something this weekend, but I'm not sure exactly what. Just feel the need to get out for once...I don't know who won the game last night nor do I care. One person at work insists on asking me every time he comes in whether I saw the Lakers game. I respond every time by saying "no, and I don't plan on watching the other games." He then continues by telling me what happened like he's the orator for the associated press. Lots of drama at work lately probably leading to someone I get along with being transferred out. The mangagers just don't know how to fix problems among employees, but insist on transferring someone out rather than working at a solution. Anyway, stop letting me ramble. Enjoy the weekend biznatches!


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