Monday, June 28, 2004

Exactly one week after my interview there, I today received a letter from Bloomfield saying I didn't get the job. I still don't even know what job it was. They never told me any grade or school. Fuck that shit. It's exactly what happened last year in my interview. They blew a bunch of smoke up my ass and gave me positive feedback and a day later they're sending me a letter. Fuck all that. I had an interview somewhere else today, and will be going back for a second interview in mid-July. The interviewer was pretty nice and gave me some pointers for my call-back interview. I really hope I get a job there. It's a nice district and it's not here.

Afterwards, I got to spend some time with my sister-in-law, who is as cool as a sister-in-law could get. I don't see her as much as I'd like, so it was nice. We talked and got some tacos for lunch and hung outside for a while before I left. Of course when I come home, there's the letter waiting for me and it gets cloudy. Anyway, that's my day. I'm tired from getting up early and driving and getting lost among farms.


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