Tax Day for about another hour. Hope all you procrastinators got that shizzy out in time...I got home from work tonight and saw a duck in my neighbor's driveway. Normally I would say "Hey duck" and continue walking to my door, but something didn't seem right. He was wobbling quite a bit and when I stopped walking to watch him, I noticed he was trying to quack but no sound was coming out. I felt so bad, so I went inside and told my dad and mom. They came out to have a looksy and said to try and call the animal shelter. No one answered but a robot voice. So I called the police non-emergency line and the guy said that animal control isn't there after 5(it was 7:30 or so), but he said he'd try to call some wildlife guy. A few minutes pass and the animal control officer called me. He asked me some questions and told me to see if the duck moved when I chased him. He moved...from my neigbor's driveway to my front lawn. If you don't know my front lawn, then I'll tell you it's all on a hill. The duck struggled to get up the hill on a gimpy leg, but somehow did it. He nested there for a while, and then suddenly fell down the hill and onto his back. He took a while to turn right side up, but finally did, and chilled on my sidewalk. I felt bad for him. Finally the animal control officer called me back and asked me some more questions before I said to come get him because he was obviously injured and would have been eaten by a cat or something if left alone. The guy was there in about 10 minutes and took the duck with him. I don't know the duck's fate, but at least I felt good getting him some help to maybe fix his injured leg.
I worked at 5:30 yesterday morning, and it was frankly a little creepy driving to work at that time. No one was on the road really and it was dark, yet someone still managed to almost hit me in Wallington-the town with the worst drivers in America-on my way to work. It went pretty quickly as I left at 1:30. I couldn't really sleep when I got home, so I ate lunch and showered. I fell asleep for about an hour before dinner, and went to bed after watching another pretty funny South Park. Today I went in at 10, and my mind was all flustered. I felt like I should have been going home at like 4, even though I had to stay until 7. Anyway, back to normal 8-5 tomorrow before the weekend starts. Warmer weather in the outlook before jury duty on Tuesday. I got some good directions and advice, so hopefully my nervousness won't be at its height on Tuesday morning. Gotta go to bed soon. Enjoy the weekend!
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