I went to class last night feeling even worse than I felt last Monday, but I didn't want to miss 2 in a row. I woke up today with my entire left side of my nose stuffed completely. At least my throat doesn't hurt as much. I think I actually slept pretty well, however, so that's a positive. I've already done some homework this morning, but still have a little more to do. I hope I can get rid of this cold or whatever soon. I found out last night that if I choose not to enroll in classes in the fall, I have until October to start paying back my loans from this semester. That gives me some time over the summer to save up some money hopefully. That reminds me, good luck to Kevin in your MBA classes starting tonite, and good luck to Matt in your exit exam and finding a job! I don't believe you're done already. Wow.
If I feel well enough, Kim and I are probably gonna hang out with Katie and Chris. Then on Sunday, I have to go to my uncle's house for some reason to have pre-Easter dinner. Easter is in 2 weeks. This means 2 Sundays in a row are going to be wasted sitting inside at a relative's house. This is bad for several reasons, but mainly because I have to finish my 20-page paper, and two 10-page papers before the semester ends around May 8th or something. Sunday is one of my days I do a lot of work, but I guess not those two weeks.
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