Sunday, December 28, 2003

Ok, I'm back. After our disastrous trip to SC this past summer, Kim and I decided not to go on vacation this year because of our lack of funds. However, we also realized that we would be working our tails off in school this coming semester and working. Yeah, we won't have a ton of money, but as we get older, we still won't have a lot of money to go away with, because we'll take on more responsibilities as we earn more money. My brother had said this to me as well. If we don't go and just say frig it, then we'll never go. Yeah, we may not be swimming in our coin like Scrooge McDuck, but if we can't have fun when we're young, then when will we? So we have a bunch of ideas brewing, but do understand we can't go overboard. Sure we'd love to go to Italy or Hawaii, but in reality, that's a bit too much. We could probably do Arizona or possibly even Florida, depending on the Disney packages available. Heck, we briefly discussed going to the shore, but we'd end up spending just as much down there as we would elsewhere, and it's already been done. I did some preliminary research on flights, and found Phoenix to be not so affordable at $350 round trip, and Orlando at $225 round trip. Disney packages are quite snooty, but I ordered info so I can decide which aspects we can do without. I don't mind either trip, but we would probably go in May, so we could avoid the dead of summer in both instances and not die in the desert or the Magic Kingdom. More details to come as they come to me.


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