Happy Bday, Ord! My dad's the best. I had a new revelation for a job...I want to work in a hotel, and work my way up, so one day, I can travel to fun places and stay for free in part of the hotel chain I work for. That would be sweeeet. But in reality, I don't see it happening. I'm going to try my damnedist to make it happen though, since this teaching thing isn't calling me. I need a job with money and benefits right now, and subbing's not gonna do it for me. Well, I have the next part of my story:
On the ride home, I was dozing, but I do remember one thing-the radio. Corey always played around with the radio in the car, and rarely settled on a station for more than a song. This night was strange because he didn’t fuss around. He hit the preset channel 6 and news blared from his speakers all around my skull. Through all the commotion and vibrations of bass in his woofers, I do remember being awake when a reporter stated that Sammy was released because they didn’t have any evidence to contain him.
Corey’s car stopped. I was home. I hugged Corey and sleep-walked to my bed. I made sure to lock the door and secure the deadbolt. I slipped off my shirt and jeans and dove into a big t-shirt. I fell to my bed like and was nestled among my pillow friends.
The next afternoon, we all met at the usual spot in the student center. Andy came running in with that morning’s paper. “Someone else was murdered last night. It was Ashley Myers. She was found with a note. The same one that was with Erika.”
Josie cried out nervously, almost like a yelp. I put my hand over my mouth, trying to hold back my almost-vomit. This time, Andy wasn’t joking about the murder. He was shaken. He was almost in tears. Corey stood there, blankly staring at the paper.
“That Sammy’s one sick fucker,” screamed Andy. “It said they just released him, and he kills someone else.”
Josie’s mouth opened ever so slowly. It took a few tries of her quaking lips, but she finally spoke. “Ashley Myers was one of Sammy’s ex-girlfriends. I’m the last one he had. I’m next.” She took a jump step to run away, but Andy grabbed her.
“No you’re not,” he said. “I’m here and you’ll be safe. I promise.”
We adjourned our daily meeting earlier than normal on Friday. I don’t think anyone went to class that day. We all left. Andy and Josie went to her place.
“Andy, what’s happening?” Josie asked.
“Some guy named Sammy murdered two girls. That’s it.”
“And I’m next. What am I supposed to do? I can’t hide forever. He knows where I live. He knows too much about me.”
“Hon, I’m going to stay with you tonight, and until they catch him. I promise you will be OK. My uncle tells me the second case will only prove it was Sammy, so when they get a hold of him this time, he won’t be able to get away through some loophole. If there’s one person I can trust on the police force, it’s definitely my uncle. You know Uncle Trever is not going to bullshit me.”
“I know he wouldn’t b.s. you, but they still haven’t been able to find Sammy yet.”
“He’s as good as caught Jo.”
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