Friday, August 29, 2003

Hey all. I finished my story for now. That's not to say that I won't change things or add things, but I've made it have a beginning, middle, and end. So here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to post it piece by piece right here on blogger. A little bit every day. After posting the first part, I may try to add it to my site, but I don't want to post it as a doc file in word, so I don't know yet. It's too much work to convert it to html on my site, too. I'll let you know. Here's the beginning. As usual, I appreciate feedback. I apologize for the lack of indentations as well. The formatting of blogger is not being cooperative for me.

"An Eye For Murder"
Brian Burkhardt

"She was found dead early this morning in her apartment two miles north of Vernon College. She was a sophomore there, where she majored in philosophy. Her devastated family would not comment."

"In Harrison last night, a two-story [CLICK].

The picture faded from the TV screen after Corey hit the power button on the remote. He picked up his notebook and pen and looked at the clock.

8:38. I’m already 38 minutes late, he thought. He spun around for his forgotten keys and slammed the door shut. He paced briskly to his red Subaru. Corey was practically driving as the engine turned. A sound of screeching burned from the tires as he headed to school. His brain was working: I’m never going to find a spot. The radio was annoying him, so he channel-surfed. Nothing but commercials.

The seek button searched the stations as Corey drove recklessly through cars. It stopped scanning on the final station on the dial.

"In Harrison, a Vernon College student’s body was found…"


The red Subaru was inches from striking a BMW fresh from the showroom floor. As his head falls into place on his neck, Corey utters profanity at the inattentive businessman chatting on his cellphone. Corey pounds on the off button on his stereo. The cherry on wheels splits through traffic and Corey hangs a dangerous left into lot #5, slightly beating out a charging pick-up from the opposite direction. The car ends up still in a criss-crossed patch of blacktop next to the real parking spaces.

It’s 9:01. Corey performs a Carl Lewis to the Meyer Building for his 8:00. Climbing the stairs in leaps, he stops at room 310. There’s a note. ‘Class Cancelled Due to University’s Loss.’ It appears that the entire floor is empty. Doors are locked and lights are missing. Corey heads across campus for Rudd Hall. Halfway across campus, Corey sees Andy, who states gingerly, "Christy and Josie are on their way over."


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