Monday, July 07, 2003

Today was a miserable experience at dmv. I was there for nearly 2 hours just to get a duplicate license. My license did not have a photo on it, since I renewed it via mail 3 years ago, but since I'm flying to South Carolina, I need one with a photo, so I had to purchase a duplicate with a photo. Jovial employees only made the experience better. I looked through possible stuff to do down in Myrtle Beach today, and there's a lot, and it's going to make me broke. You know what bothers me? People who are dishonest. I don't know where that came from, but it annoys me to no end. So it's supposed to feel like 110 tomorrow, and of course it's supposed to be 78 and rainy on Thursday, when I wanted to go to the shore. Oh well. I hope I find a job soon.

Oh just a side note. In the sports section today, there was an article on how Roger Clemens got snubbed from the All-Star team. That is absolutely ridiculous. Sure he won his 300th game this year, but not all of them occurred this year. What's his record, like 8-6? And he deserved to make the team? Come on. I hate the Yankees.


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