Tuesday, July 01, 2003

Hello July. Happy birthday Den and Rob!(from June 29 & 30, respectively) So it is absolutely bee-yootiful today. I had an interview today for a 5th grade position. The principal and people who interviewed me were really pleasant, and the school was relatively small, which I like. The only problem is that if I actually get the job, it might only last to February because the teacher is on military leave. So if I got the job, I would be back to square 1 again in February or March. Hmm, I guess I'll just have to wait and see...

Today I washed my car, so I'm sure it will rain sometime in the next 24 hours. The only thing I don't like is all the gooey crap that's stuck at the bottom of my doors from my tires kicking it up. I can't get it completely off. I use soap, bug & tar stuff; it just doesn't budge. It looks shiny and clean nonetheless. only 19 days till vacation. enjoy the weather.


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