Tuesday, May 20, 2003

I saw the new Matrix movie, but thought it was rather dumb. I loved the original movie, but I thought this one was corny and it took an hour and a half for anything to happen. When something finally happened, it was a really good action scene, but otherwise nothing great. The ending was also not so great. I know the other movie is coming out in November, but the way it ended was abrupt. I was disappointed, especially since I wanted to see it so badly. Oh well.

I also decided to make a rather impulsive purchase on Saturday. I now own Playstation 2. The price dropped again, so I jumped on it. I've wanted it for a while, but never had the money for it. I'm pretty sure that some new, advanced video game system will be out soon, because every time I buy a new system, it's obsolete. For instance, we got Nintendo just before Genesis came out. We got Genesis just before Playstation. I got Playstation and within a year or so, PS2 and Xbox came out. We'll see what happens next.

I was looking through a Brookstone magazine the other day and saw that they have arcade game machines like Ms. Pac-Man and Centipede. I've always wanted to own one of those things when I have a house, but was saddened when the price was $3,000. Yeesh.

The new testing has begun today in school. It is very boring for me, and very much to ask 4th graders to sit still and not talk for nearly 2 hours for 4 straight days. What can you do?


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